Sigma Alpha Epsilon – New York Alpha Chapter
Hillcrest – 122 McGraw Place, Ithaca, NY 14853
The men of Sigma Alpha Epsilon New York Alpha chapter have been advancing the highest standards of leadership, scholarship and friendship at Cornell University since 1891. With over 1,000 alumni worldwide, we build friendships that last a lifetime.

Be a True Gentleman
The Future of SAE Starts Now
As brothers of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, we strive to reach the highest standards of friendship, scholarship, leadership, and service throughout our lives. The values put forth by our Founding Fathers are as relevant today as they were in 1856.
National Founding Date: March 9, 1856 – University of Alabama
Colors: Royal Purple and Old Gold
Symbols: Lion, Phoenix, and Minerva

Keith Barr to Receive 2024 Cornell Hospitality Icon Award
Source Courtesy of hospitalitynet The Cornell Peter and Stephanie Nolan School of Hotel Administration announced today it has selected Cornell alumnus Keith Barr ’92, IHG’s former chief

SAE National Travels to Cornell
On October 14, 2023, representatives from SAE National traveled to Cornell and held a ceremony to fully initiate the current active brothers and presented New

Work of the Alumni Association Continues
If awards were the test of our achievements, recent recognition from national as “Outstanding Chapter Alumni Association” and an article in FSAC’s annual report affirming

Texas Style Get Together
Alumni event at the home of Campaign Chairman Gus Noojin ’69 and his wife, Sandy. From left to right: Christine Gorman (kneeling), Gina Sheil, Dave
Upcoming Events
Spotlight on Alumni
William “Bill” Perez graduated from the College of Arts and Sciences in 1969 with a bachelor’s degree in government. From 1970 to 2004, he worked at S.C. Johnson, which sells familiar products such as Off, Ziploc, and Pledge. After starting off in sales and becoming the youngest GM in Spain, he ran Latin America, became COO, and then spent eight years as CEO. He went on to serve as CEO of both Nike and then Wrigley. Bill has served on several boards, including Whirlpool, Johnson & Johnson, Campbell Soup Company, Kellogg, Hallmark, and Nike. He is also an emeritus trustee of Cornell. His son, David, graduated from Cornell University in 1995 and was also a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, having served as eminent archon one term.