Stew Maurer ’57, right, and his wife, Priscilla “Bronnie” (Smith) Maurer, with U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. Stew is a retired hotelie. They live in Lexington, South Carolina.
During an October trip to Vermont for a wedding, I was able to have coffee with Bob Genock ’60 in Williston, where he lives. He is the same slender, handsome, well-attired guy he was at Hillcrest, except that his blonde hair is now silver, but he has not lost any. We roomed together during our first year at Harvard Business School in 1962-’63. I had not seen him in the 50 years since we graduated. Bob gave me a summary of his life since HBS, beginning with the Peace Corps in Ecuador.
In 1967 he married Anne Williams, a native of Rochester, as was Bob. They moved to the Dominican Republic, where he worked for USAID and Xerox. Bob opened the first Xerox office there, followed by other positions with the copier company in Nassau, Bogota, Stamford, and Mexico City.
Bob and Anne were very involved with their Christian faith, accepting Jesus Christ into their lives and serving others as caretakers, missionaries, and volunteers in America, the Netherlands, and Mexico. Anne died of a brain tumor in 2002. They had a daughter who passed away at birth in Bogota. Although retired, Bob continues his volunteer work and will soon assume a senior position on the board of an international Christian organization. His admirable life has been one of serving and caring for people. You may reach him at: rgenock@myfairpoint.net.

Ron Demer ’59
Former EA Marshal T. Case ’64 lives in a beautiful log home he designed in Shaftsbury, Vermont, about eight miles north of Bennington. It sits on 92 acres with magnificent views of mountains in Vermont, New York, and Massachusetts. His two daughters room together in Providence, where Natalie attends URI and Michelle is at Johnson and Wales. Marshal was married in September to Joanne Carrie, a therapist. They visited Hillcrest for Reunions 2013 and 2014. Marshal continues to be involved in ecology, wildlife and conservation. He writes, “My focus is on mentoring promising students who wish to pursue a career path in environmental studies/conservation-wildlife biology and serving as volunteer naturalist-in-residence with the Bennington public school system.” Marshal’s international experience includes being a member (with six others) of the Advisory Council to Global Partnership for Afghanistan. “We now engage 55,000 farms representing 330,000 family members who have been given the tools to grow their own produce, get the food to market, and release themselves from the influence of the Taliban. This has all come together within eight years.” Reach him by email at: marshaltcase@gmail.com.
Thanks to Mike Martin ’08 for sending along this photo from Matt Pemberton’s (’08) wedding: “We were celebrating at Wee Burn Beach Club in Westport, Connecticut.” Back row, from left: Max Lieberman ’08, Jeff Adelson ’08, Michael Schechter ’08, Yaw Etse ’08, Jeff Glick ’08, Brian Kaufman ’08, Blake Horn ’08, Jonny Lieberman ’08, and James Norton ’08; front row, from left: Lance Williams ’08, Miles Toben ’08, Russell Jones ’07, Steve Fenty ’08, Mike Martin ’08, Chad Christie ’08, and Kyle Sheahan ’07.