Four SAEs returned to celebrate their 50th Reunion. (Left to right: Jay Russell ’60, Ev Seyler ’60, Paul Grannis ’60, Art Caramella ’60, Chuck Rhodes ’61, and Ron Demer ’59.)
Four SAEs returned to celebrate their 50th Reunion. Art Caramella (who transferred to Middlebury in his sophomore year) from the Pittsburgh area; Jay Russell (a retired lawyer) and his wife, Mary, from Santa Fe, New Mexico; Paul Grannis (a professor of physics at SUNY Stony Brook) and his wife, Barbara; and Ev Seyler (a medical-school professor in Hartford, Connecticut) with his wife, Judy Wetzel (also Cornell ’60). Attorney Tom MacAniff planned to come, but had to cancel when a court appearance was rescheduled.
Although Chuck Rhodes is in the class of ’61, he and his wife, Mary, joined the ’60 reunioners. Chuck is a physics professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
SAE 1960 was a small pledge class of twelve. Dave Armstrong, Bill Byer, and Tony Ayer could not return. Bob Genock was not heard from. Three members are deceased — Roary Murchison, John Slaughter, and Jim Baumgardner.